Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cherry Bomb

Can't seem to go to sleep. I spent all day thinking about the guy I lost my virginity to. It's hard to avoid him seeing how he lives five houses away from me. We're on amicable terms though, waving at each other whenever we drive by. However, I think I kind of miss him.

Let me make one thing clear, despite the fact I lost my virginity at age fifteen (fourteen for him,) I do not, under any circumstance, regret it one bit. I couldn't have picked a better person to lose it to. He was my best friend and I knew I could trust him completely.

Too bad though, when you're that young, just in junior high, you're wide open for changes. He found some friends I couldn't get along with and that created a rift between us. Actually, a month ago, he somehow got my cell phone number and apologized to me for what happened five years ago. It made me feel so good. Now, I just want to be his friend again, catch up, find out what he's up to. And besides, he could be a source for cigarettes for whenever I get wound up from a conversation with my boyfriend.

The first time we had sex, I can't tell you how humiliating it was. We were watching Pretty Woman in his bedroom, lying on his waterbed. A waterbed for Christ's sakes! Have you ever had sex in a waterbed? It's tough even when you're experienced. It literally took us like a half hour to figure out how everything worked. Once we managed to get it all in and situated, it was kind of... over. Oh the joys of adolescence.

Apparently, the next day, I walked differently. My friend instantly knew something happened and practically announced it to the entire hallway at school. Gee, thanks. I also somehow managed to keep it a secret from my best friend (she would have never, ever approved) for a year before she realized just why I loved watching Sex and the City so much.

And now, we're reduced to waving at each other from our cars. Oh well.

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